I'm Rodger Douglas
and I treat fibromyalgia
with homeopathy
As a homeopathic practitioner, I found that the key to recovering from fibromyalgia is self-awareness. If this surprises you, let me explain.
To treat any illness successfully you first need to find its root cause. When it comes to fibromyalgia (FMS) however, this is much easier said than done. This is because it’s such a complex illness with its root cause buried beneath many layers of symptoms and suffering. In addition, FMS is different for everyone. Another person's fibromyalgia is not necessarily your fibromyalgia. This means that the right treatment another person is not necessarily the right treatment for you. You need to find the unique protocol that fits you.
By cultivating a deeper awareness of your mind and of your body you begin to understand the hidden roots of your illness, and that's when healing becomes possible.
The Persian philosopher Rumi once wrote, “The cure for pain is in the pain." What he meant was that embracing our pain and understanding it can be a path to healing. The way to overcome pain or any other symptom is not to suppress them but to listen to them
Rumi’s quote reminds me of The Healing Power of Illness by the German authors Thorwald Dethlefsen and Dr. Ruediger Dahlke. The book presents a thought-provoking perspective on illness, suggesting that diseases and physical ailments are not simply random misfortunes but are, in fact, meaningful manifestations of inner conflicts, psychological states, and spiritual imbalances.
The authors view illness as a "language of the soul." Each symptom is seen as a signal from the unconscious mind that something is amiss in the person’s inner life. The purpose of illness is to bring awareness to these deeper issues. Each symptom of illness is believed to have symbolic meaning. For instance, many of my quieter and more introverted patients often complained of frequent trips to the bathroom to pee. This was their body’s way of telling them that they were “pissed off” and needed to express their suppressed anger.
Dethlefsen and Dahlke emphasize that illness should be embraced as an opportunity for personal and spiritual growth. Instead of solely focusing on curing the illness, they advocate for an approach that includes exploring the underlying emotional and spiritual causes.
Cultivating a deeper awareness
of mind and body
In my practice I found that stubborn cases, that didn’t respond to treatment, could only be moved forward when we dealt with the underlying emotional issues. Of course, this isn’t easy. The mind and emotions are notoriously difficult to change. After reading book such as Sarno, Depression I realized that there are layers to the mind, and to change the mind you need to go the deeper levels.
In clinical practice the idea that there are three parts
The three part mind is based on clinical observations going back as far as Plato, and beyond, You can read about this fascinating idea in more depth by clicking the link below.
The Head mind is our ordinary, everyday awareness. It is logical, practical and perceives the world as being dualistic. Most people with fibromyalgia tend to live in their heads. They tend you move into a deeper consciousness
Hidden beneath our surface-level reality lies the Heart mind. It sees the world as interconnected and recognizes the underlying oneness of existence.
The Hara (Gut) is our deepest layer of consciousness. It is cosmic and divine in nature, expressing itself through metaphor and imagination.
My approach to
My approach is simple yet effective: a four-part process that revolves around cleansing, healthy living, mindful awareness, and natural remedies. By focusing on these core principles, I've helped numerous patients regain control of their health and find relief from their symptoms.
1 Cleanse and detox
I found that many of my fibromyalgia patients showed signs of toxic overload, especially of the liver. Interestingly, most of the major symptoms of toxicity of the body, such as pain, fatigue, and brain fog are similar to those of fibromyalgia.
The gentlest and most effective way to do a cleanse is from the outside inward. We start by setting goals, then doing a home cleanse, followed by a body cleanse, and lastly we look at natural detox remedies to cleanse the body at a cellular level.
2 A healthy lifestyle for fibromyalgia
A significant amount of research has been done on the role that lifestyle plays in fibromyalgia. Restorative sleep, personalized nutrition, proper hydration, gentle exercise, and spending time in nature can make a massive difference to the overall well-being of a person with fibromyalgia.
Now, believe it or not, I can actually hear you objecting and complaining through the Internet that making lifestyle changes are hard to do. You’ve tried before, it was too difficult, and you gave up. I hear you. I’m the laziest person I know, and if I can do it then you certainly can better.
The key is not using your willpower to force you to do things you hate. You don’t have to eat broccoli or kale if you don’t like them. You don’t have to do high intensity workouts if you are not inclined to do so. The key is finding what you truly love and following your heart. Your heart and your tastebuds really do know what is best for you, and this website is all about guiding to to listen to them once again.
Mindful awareness 3
People with fibromyalgia tend to live in their heads. The head is however prone to worry and overthinking. The solution is to become fully present, to live in the here and the now. Three ways to do this are tuning into your body, exploring your senses, and becoming mindful of your surroundings.
This is my favorite part of this website - the mind. Actually, exploring the mysteries of the mind is my favorite pastime of all.
I think you’ll enjoy my visualization exercises. I created them specifically for people who
Natural remedies offer a safe and gentle alternative to pharmaceuticals, without the risk of side effects. The best part about holistic treatments is that they can be tailored to your specific symptoms. For instance, Belladonna can relieve headaches with sensations of head fullness, Sepia is effective for migraines accompanied by dizziness and nausea, while Coffea cruda helps with headaches caused by agitation and overactive thoughts.
Site map
When I was creating this site I realized that I was covering a broad range of topics and that the site was a bit of a maze. So, to make navigation easier I added a site map to each page. My second love after homeopathy is Art, so I decided to draw the site map. I stand corrected, my wife just reminded me that is my first love. So, it’s my wife, my dog, homeopathy, and then art in fourth place.
Some of my
latest articles
Each month, I spend a whole lot of money and time keeping Head Heart Hara going. I've managed to keep it ad-free thanks to the patronage of my readers. I don't have any staff or helpers - it's a thoroughly one-man labor of love that is also my livelihood. If you feel you've gained something from these articles, please consider a donation via Buy Me A Coffee.
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